冬の天候は変わりやすく、特に日本海側に面する北海道は爆弾低気圧で急変することがある。 そんな時は、山へでかけるのを諦めて、温泉巡りや富良野や旭川、札幌のススキノなどでローカルフードにありつくのもいいかもしれない。

Good ski, Good food.
JAPOW, Onsen, Sightseeing
The weather in winter is easy to change, especially in Hokkaido facing the Sea of Japan. In such a case, give up to go to the mountain, go on a hot spring tour and sightseeing. Enjoy local food in Furano, Asahikawa, and Susukino in Sapporo.
Of course, without giving up, I sometimes go to mountains or ski resorts where the wind is less affected.
After the finest powder, in order to enjoy the joy and reverberation, a warm and delicious dinner with friends of the day is also the best part of skiing.
Good luck!
Hotel for skiers and snowboarders
my recommendation hotel
A hotel opened near Furano Ski Resort Kitanomine(富良野スキー場・北の峰)
It's an example of course meal
Hotel owners who love skiing have realized the desire to build a hotel where skiers and snowboarders can relax.